FAN SERIES – Featuring Tom

Baby Boomer Comes To Do Battle Against Young Millennials!
Will Age Or Beauty Win The Day?
Tom comes to us from the Midwest and is a big fan of competitive wrestling.
When it comes to female vs female, he is not a fan of scripted endings.
He likes the action REAL and COMPETITIVE!
When ladies take him on, they find out quickly that he is a strong man.
Tom won’t simply let the ladies win…..just because they are PRETTY!
He wants and EXPECTS the ladies to give everything they have to EARN the win against him!
Tom is a nice guy who always keeps us smiling and laughing on his visits.
He also has a habit of bringing fantastic tasting chocolate of various sorts, which always gets him on the good side of the ladies immediately!
- Tom was born in 1951 and he is 5’10” tall.
- Tom’s favorite TV shows include: 24, Lost, Game of Thrones, and The Walking Dead
- Tom loves to listen to rock (made many years before his opponents at FWC were born) from the sixties, seventies and eighties like Chicago, Four Seasons, and Moody Blues!
- Who are Tom’s favorite ladies at the time of this writing? Callisto Strike, Monroe Jamison, Angelina Edge, and Buffy Ellington who all have wrestled with him in various competitive matches thus far and he would absolutely love to tangle with Scarlett Squeeze should the opportunity ever arise!