FAN SERIES – Featuring Frank

Long Time Mixed Wrestling Fan From Brooklyn New York Now Starring In His Own Fan Series!
Watch Frank Try His Luck Against The Beautiful Ladies Of The FWC!
Frank has been wrestling with us since 2015 and has wrestled the likes of Jayde Jamison, Carmella Ringo, Monroe Jamison, Lizzy Lizz and Callisto Strike.
He likes to joke that some Hollywood producers should come and find his family as he thinks it would make for a great reality show.
When Frank isn’t cracking jokes, he is working towards shooting a wide variety of different videos over the coming years as he is beginning the process of becoming a video producer.
On the wrestling mats, Frank is a strong man and a fun challenge that tries his best out there!
- Frank lives in New York and has a Brooklyn accent!
- Frank was born in 1961. He is 5’6″ tall and weighs 225lbs currently.
- Frank is a big fan of classic movies and is an aspiring film maker as he majored in Film and TV in college. He currently is a Home Health Aid.
- Frank is an avid lover of cats.
- What is Frank’s favorite FWC Moves: The Headscissors and the Schoolgirl Pin
- Who are Frank’s favorite ladies at the time of this writing? Monroe Jamison and Callisto Strike