Christie Ricci vs Tasha Simone – Battle On Beale Street!

Christie Ricci vs Tasha Simone - Battle on Beale Street in Memphis! - Cherry Bomb Wrestling!

Ladies Hardcore Pro Wrestling!


Christie Ricci Height:   5’10”
Christie Ricci Weight:  160lbs

Tasha Simone Height:   5’6″
Tasha Simone Weight:  134lbs

This match took place on March 10th 2007 in Memphis Tennessee on the well known and historic Beale Street!

Christie Ricci and Tasha Simone have not wrestled each other since Christie lost her NWA World’s Women’s Title to Ms Chif.

Many were shocked the PGWA sanctioned this match because it was HARDCORE!

Tasha had the following to say regarding this matchup:

I want everyone to keep in mind that while Christie and I have a strong dislike for one another, we also have a great deal of mutual respect, and I have always stated that I wanted to bring out Christie’s darkside, and I finally did just that. Christie and I entered the ring at around 11:00 PM, following 7 other matches that had torn the house down; we both exchanged words, knocked out an announcer, shook hands, and then proceeded to piss the crowd off by wrestling. That’s right, wrestling, not beating the hell out of one another with every weapon we could find… that is until neither of us could get the upper hand, and then the plunder came into to play. I don’t want to give away too much about the match, but I will tell you this: we had two very tired photographers and two very tired cameramen chasing us around the New Daisy Theatre and even outside onto Beale Street!

Purchase to find out who WINS this wild battle!


  • OWNER OF THIS CONTENT:  Cherry Bomb Wrestling
  • TITLE:  Christie Ricci vs Tasha Simone – Blood On Beale Street!
  • GENRE:  Women’s Pro Wrestling! – (SCRIPTED)
  • Money Back Guarantee if this product is not as described!
  • If you are a Monthly or Yearly Member you will get an automatic 10 percent off if you are logged in when purchasing this video and 25 percent off for logged in Legacy Lifetime Members!
  • LENGTH:  35 minutes and 34 seconds long
  • DATE RELEASED ON THIS WEBSITE:  August 31th 2020
  • FILE SIZE:  297MB
  • TYPE:  SD

Original price was: $2.97.Current price is: $1.97.


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